About WIC 

Proudly serving Sullivan County residents for over 30 years, WIC makes sure that your family has help to live a healthy life. 

WIC provides a supplemental food package filled with healthy foods that ensures your family is getting the nutrition they need. Foods such as milk, eggs, juice, peanut butter, cereal, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains are made available for your family.

But that’s not all. The WIC Program also provides nutrition and health education and breastfeeding support as well as other services to pregnant women, postpartum women, infants, and children up to the age of five.

WIC is for all kinds of families: married and single parents, working or not working. If you are a father, mother, grandparent, foster parent or legal guardian of a child under five, you can apply for WIC.

What WIC Provides

The WIC program offers a variety of benefits, including:

  • Nutritional education for families
  • Breastfeeding education and support
  • Referrals to resources throughout the community
  • Health assessments
  • Supplemental foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables, beans, peanut butter, juice, cereal, and infant formula and foods

How You Qualify

Check out the income guidelines to find out if you qualify for WIC.  If your family receives less than the amount listed, you may be eligible.

Healthy Beginnings

The WIC program is more than just a voucher system.  It is a program built to provide a healthy start for your little ones, from the womb until the age of five.

WIC Department Clinic Hours

1st Tuesday and 2nd Tuesday – 8:30 to 4:30
3rd Tuesday and 4th Tuesday – 9:00 to 5:00

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call your Sullivan County WIC Department at 660-265-4141.

Registered Dietician available on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.


Nondiscrimination Statement
